Introduction: Lerche.jl

Lerche.jl creates a parser for a language specified in an EBNF-like syntax. The resulting parse trees can be transformed using easy-to-specify methods, where Lerche.jl takes care of the parse tree traversal. Lerche.jl is a direct translation of the Python-language Lark parser generator (Lerche is "Lark" in German).

Much of the extensive Lark documentation is also relevant.

Quick start

If you are already familiar with Lark see Notes for Lark users below.

Lerche reads EBNF grammars as recognised by Lark ("Lark grammars") to produce a parser. This parser, when provided with text conforming to the grammar, produces a parse tree. This tree can be visited and transformed using "rules". A rule is a function named after the production whose arguments it should be called on, and the first argument of a rule is an object which is a subtype of Visitor or Transformer.

Given an EBNF grammar, it can be used to parse text into your data structure as follows:

  1. Define one or more subtypes of Transformer or Visitor, instances of which will be passed as the first argument to the appropriate rule. The instance can also be used to hold information during transformation if you wish, in which case it must have a concrete type.
  2. Define visit_tokens(t::MyNewType) = false if you will not be processing token values. This is about 25% faster than leaving the default true.
  3. For every production in your grammar that you wish to process, write a rule with identical name to the production
  4. The rule should be prefixed with macro @rule if the second argument is an array containing all of the arguments to the grammar production
  5. The rule should be prefixed with macro @inline_rule if the second and following arguments refer to each argument in the grammar production
  6. For every token which you wish to process, define an identically-named method as for rules, but precede it with a @terminal macro instead of @rule.

If your grammar is in String variable mygrammar, your text to be parsed and transformed is in String variable mytext, and your Transformer subtype is MyTransformer, the following commands will produce a data structure from the text:

p = Lark(mygrammar,parser="lalr",lexer="contextual") #create parser
t = Lerche.parse(p,mytext)     #Create parse tree
x = Lerche.transform(MyTransformer(),t)  #transform parse tree

For a real-world example of usage, see this file.


Fully qualify the parse call (i.e. write Lerche.parse) to avoid ambiguity with parse from other packages, including Base.parse

Error handling

When the supplied text does not match the grammar, parse raises exceptions that are subtypes of UnexpectedInput:UnexpectedToken and UnexpectedCharacters. for these types produces an informative message regarding the position of the error and expected tokens.

Defining a Grammar

The full Lark grammar is described here.


The following example (condensed from the JSON example in Lark ) how a simple JSON parser is implemented.

First, the grammar:

julia> json_grammar = raw"""
           ?start: value
           ?value: object
                 | array
                 | string
                 | SIGNED_NUMBER      -> number
                 | "true"             -> t
                 | "false"            -> f
                 | "null"             -> null
           array  : "[" [value ("," value)*] "]"
           object : "{" [pair ("," pair)*] "}"
           pair   : string ":" value
           string : ESCAPED_STRING
           %import common.ESCAPED_STRING
           %import common.SIGNED_NUMBER
           %import common.WS
           %ignore WS

Note that terminals are always uppercase, and common definitions can be imported from definitions in the standard library supplied with Lerche.

A method whose name matches the rule name (or alias) and whose first argument has our subtype of Transformer will be called whenever that rule is matched.

These methods are prefixed by the @rule macro (if all of the parse tree children are collected into a single array argument) or @inline_rule macro (if each parse tree child is assigned a separate argument).

struct TreeToJson <: Transformer end

@inline_rule string(t::TreeToJson, s) = replace(s[2:end-1],"\\\""=>"\"")

@rule  array(t::TreeToJson,a) = Array(a)
@rule  pair(t::TreeToJson,p) = Tuple(p)
@rule  object(t::TreeToJson,o) = Dict(o)
@inline_rule number(t::TreeToJson,n) = Base.parse(Float64,n)

@rule  null(t::TreeToJson,_) = nothing
@rule  t(t::TreeToJson,_) = true
@rule  f(t::TreeToJson,_) = false

The above rules define a TreeToJson subtype of Transformer, and rules whose names match the rule or alias names in the grammar. For example, whenever the string rule is matched, the enclosing double quotes are dropped and any \" sequences replaced by a double quote.

Finally, we create our parser by calling the Lark constructor:

julia> json_parser = Lark(json_grammar, parser="lalr", lexer="standard", transformer=TreeToJson());

Passing the transformer argument at parser construction time avoids a separate call to the transform method after parsing.

Now, we can parse JSON by calling the Lerche.parse method with json_parser as the first argument and the text to parse as the second argument:

julia> text = raw"{\"key\": [\"item0\", \"item1\", 3.14]}"
"{\"key\": [\"item0\", \"item1\", 3.14]}"

julia> j = Lerche.parse(json_parser,text)
Dict{String, Vector{Any}} with 1 entry:
  "key" => ["item0", "item1", 3.14]

The above example is available in the Examples directory for study.

Other examples

The tests directory contains many more very simple examples of correctly-constructed grammars.

Notes for Lark users

When converting from Lark programs written in Python to Lerche programs written in Julia, make the following changes:

  1. All Transformer and Visitor classes become types
  2. All class method calls become Julia method calls with an instance of the type as the first argument (i.e. replacing self)
  3. Transformation or visitor rules should be preceded by the @rule macro. Inline rules use the @inline_rule macro and token processing methods use @terminal.
  4. Any grammars containing backslash-double quote sequences need to be edited (see below).
  5. Any grammars containing backslash-x to denote a byte value need to be edited (see below).


Lark grammars work unchanged in Lerche, with the caveats below. Note that this guarantee applies to the sequence of characters after interpretation by the Julia or Python language parser. In particular note the following differences:

  1. Raw strings in Julia are written raw"<string contents>" instead of Python's r"<string contents>"
  2. The sequence \" inside a Python raw, quote-delimited string encodes a two-character sequence. However, it corresponds to a single quote in Julia. To obtain the two-character sequence in Julia, write \\". Such a backslash-quote sequence is required in Lark grammars to represent a double quote, just like in Python; so these two characters must remain in the string after Julia has pre-processed it.
  3. While unicode escapes are recognised (\uxxxx), the Python \x combination to insert a particular byte value in the string is not. Simply replace with the appropriate Unicode character.